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Yes, I also have exams starting from Saturday🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
God luck for you🖤
0 0Commenter

My major is Psychology.

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
Ok do you have exams too ?
0 0Commenter

No problem, we'll meet someday.🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
I still didn't ask you What is your major in university?
0 0Commenter

Won't you come? No, please, my day won't be complete until I see your face🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
I’m sorry but my future is so important
0 0Commenter

Tomorrow what time do you have university?🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
I don't have any lectures tomorrow Because I have final exams on Sunday👀
0 0Commenter

I'm with you in the same university, but I don't study with you in college🖤،

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
Ok i get it
0 0Commenter

No, you don't know me personally, but I know you🖤,

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
I think you are studying with me🤔
0 0Commenter

I wrote it to you in a comment, but sending it here is better I'm fine when I see you 🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
Thank you🖤 But do I know you on a personal level??
1 0Commenter

Hi, how are you today !!?🖤

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
I’m good and you?
1 1Commenter

Well anyway, I have to go to bed, I have college tomorrow, early Good night🖤🌑،

il y a 2 ans
أيمن الدايخ
Me too good night 🌑
0 0Commenter
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